កង្កែបបោប How to make Pregrant frog

Kangkeb bob or Stuffed frog is one of the famous street food that goes well with rice wine or white wine.

People love it a lot for the small gathering. It is like afternoon snack or starter. Well, it is not hard to do but it is hard to find natural frog these days. So, they would use farmed frog which have harder bones. Natural frog is tender and very tasty.


What types of frog we eat? The frog we eat is either Chinese edible frog, East Asian bullfrog, or Taiwanese frog. They have much flesh compared to others. The meat is more like chicken but tougher but yummy! I don't know if any of our LG has eaten frog in their lives but it tastes nice. Kangkeb bob is just one way that we do with frog but actually there are a lot more dishes cooked by local and I love when we do Kreoung Sour Soup.


Where do you find frogs? They live mostly in the paddy field. Its natural habitats included freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, arable land, pasture land, rural gardens, urban areas, ponds, aquaculture ponds, open excavations, irrigated land, seasonally flooded agricultural land, and canals and ditches.

Frogs are delicious, expensive like beef, rare to find natural ones these days (farmed frogs are available but not too much), men love frogs more than women. 



Ingredients / how to do

What are there



  • Frog: 3kgs (bigger frog is good)
  • 3 layers bacon, 0.5kg
  • Kreoung (lemongrass, turmeric, galangal, garlic kaffir lime)
  • Shallot: 4pcs, slice very thin
  • Garlic, 10pcs, slide and chop as tiny as possible
  • Fish sauce: 2tb
  • Powder soup: 2tbs
  • Salt: 2tbs
  • Sugar or palm sugar: 2tbs
  • Tamarind powder: 1tbs (optional)
  • Red chili: 15pcs (slide very thin, put less or more as per your preference)
  • Kaffir lime leaves: 10pcs, chop very thin
  • Holi basil leaves



  • Wash and clean the frog, cut its leg and keep from the thigh up. Marinade them with a bit of fish sauce, salt, sugar and powder soup), keep aside.
  • Chop pork and the frog legs, then add chili, garlic, shallot, kaffir lime leaves and chop them together again, for a moment.
  • Add other ingredients together, mix them well and chop holi basil leaves, mix again and then stuff in the frog's belly (don't be too much)



  • Grill the frog that has been prepared on the fire, with low heat until red color (well cooked), maybe it takes 30-40mns



  • You can eat them with other things like rice, but it is common just eat it alone as a starter or snack or as a snack to go with white wine.
កង្កែបបោប.jpgStuffed frog grilling - a treat my coworker made for our team at her home in Siem Reap. This frog is from a farm of a coworker who raise frog as part of his income sources.
If you are interested to cook more dishes with frog, then I can share more later :slightly_smiling_face:


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