Monk's Community Foresty Cambodia - Sang Rokhavoin, Oddar Meanchey

Monk's Community Forestry Cambodia or Sang Rokha Wand forest community is located in Sangkat Kon Kriel, Krong Samrong, Oddar Meanchey Province.
Few people know this place through the documentary filmed by Makara Ouch and directed by Youk Chhang as 'Jungle Guard' which was portraited the activities and great work of Ven. Bun Saluot. 
Read more in here: and here  
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It covers 30,254 hectare of forest and located on 3 main districts: Krong Samrong, Chongkal district and Anglong veng district. It has so many kinds of rare and luxury trees for 70 species. Many wild animals and birds species are also found here. The monk struggled to keep the forest alive for many years until 2008 the government recognized the effort of the monk.

This is by far the great place camping, trekking, meditating, as well as education area.
Contact: Ven. Bun Saluot for a visit @097 609 5318 or his assistant Mr. Veasna SAT @088 288 6639/096767 5459


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