Wellington Botanical Garden

One of the amazing memory from Wellington is to visit the Botanical Garden. It is so colorful, relaxing, refreshing as there are many things to see, counting from flowers to big trees. There is a big rose garden there, then a variety of flowers.

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I have been there many times during my stay there, from summer, spring, winter and autumn. All the photos I am sharing here are not captured in one trip. It gave me so much joy to see and I was imaging that each city in the world consider this kind of park, to show their varieties and also a place for exercise for people living around this area. 

  • Where? Central of Wellington City
  • What you see there? flowers, grown and natural, big trees, spaces, carter observatory (the National Observatory of New Zealand). There are various sections there including "Lady Norwood Rose Garden (1950)", "Begonia House (1960)", "Treehouse Visitor Centre (1990) in conjunction with the World Wildlife Fund"
  • How to access: Free access to public, the botanical garden can be accessed on foot or by the famous cable car of little capital Wellington. 

Every big city in New Zealand has Botanical Garden. Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Napier, Christchurch and Dunedin. Since Wellington is small, the garden is within walking distance, that's what I love about it. The one in Christchurch is huge too but I was there in winter so cannot really see through to it. However, I haven't seen the one in Hamilton. Botanical Garden in Hamilton was said by the locals that the biggest and best among all.


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