Memory from Australia (2015)

I had a wonderful solo sightseeing tour to Australia in 2015 for 5days

Sydney (I)

I would like to share a few shots I took at Sydney in 2015. Sydney, in many people opinion is a beautiful town and a dream place to go. I do not object, when I decided to go to Australia, Sydney came to my mind first. So, I only went to Sydney and Melbourne for my 5days in Australia. 
About seagulls, I found them interesting. They live freely with human, not only here in Australia, I saw the same thing in New Zealand. In these photos below, I amazed just how coincident it was that seagulls lined up in my frame while I enjoyed my solo trip in Sydney. 

Highlight of activities in Sydney: many activities ones can do here are:

  • Stroll around the opera house for the day,
  • Try walk on the Harbour Bridge, or take the ferry to go under and the Opera House view,
  • Meet street performers of Aboriginal group
  • The garden is few meters walk from the Opera House,
  • Visit the Sydney aquarium
  • Try Sydney sky tower,
  • Try boat tour around the opera house and under the bridge,
  • Walk around Chinatown and sitting at Darling Harbour
  • There are many restaurants around the complex

11036268_10204720874554018_3495187532814868018_o.jpgMy friends11046825_10204720928395364_1442481129049976799_o[1].jpgMy friends and I in front of Opera House back to Harbour Bridge of Sydney12493549_10206722337309336_5020547884293333142_o.jpgMy friends lined up in front of Opera House to another side12493781_10206722339389388_3139472322328061375_o.jpgMussel alike - Opera House from the Garden side.

980529_10206722335629294_736841413386686633_o.jpgOpera House under Queen Victoria Cruise

10854936_10204720932955478_5610087478915531832_o.jpgWith the indigenous couple street performers


Melbourne (II) 

After Sydney Seagulls modeled at Sydney Harbour, I went to visit Melbourne and my friends. I was solo so I went to stay with my friend in Springvale. There are a big group of Cambodian students living there. However, we also went to visit many places such as the shopping street, Melbourne university, Brighton Beach and Yara River. 

However, I had missed few places here which made me regret not going while I was there, such as the Brighton Bathing Boxes, go inside the library, checking out the botanical gardens and few more interesting places.



Some tips not to miss out important things

 Tips to prepare for your trip:

According to my experience, not well prepared  may lead to missing important areas/places of attractions.

  • Always search for 'What to see, what to do, where to go in XXXX' in the area where you are going. A friend of yours who lives there might not even know it.
  • Check the weather before hand, know the dress code, if the place is too hot or too cold, wear comfortable shoes. A friend of yours might not known and warned you in advanced for this.
  • Always ask for advice in social media or check in the Instagram photos if you are into photography
  • Carry a phone with an Internet for map and other information, and a selfie stick (if you are solo and you don't want to regret coming back not having a beautiful of yourself and the attraction ) Edit.jpgLG Sophia_20 and the MuseumM0.jpgThe Brighton Bathing Boxes from a farM1.jpgLove lock at Yara RiverM3.jpgThe view from Brighton Beach back to the cityM6.jpgSoloSpringvale Asian market.jpgSpringvale Asian MarketM2.jpgBrighton Beach


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