Sunrise and paddy field at hometown


Sunrise at hometown, Prey VengSunrise7.jpgPalm tree appeared during sunrise at hometown, Prey VengSunrise18.jpgSunrise at hometown, Prey Vengphoto_2020-06-25_11-12-01.jpgHarvesting seasonphoto_2020-06-25_11-12-02 (3).jpgA friend posted accidently - it turned out the most beautiful shot!photo_2020-06-25_11-12-02.jpgHarvesting seasonSunrise23.jpgSunrise at hometown, Prey Veng

A true beauty for early birders! I grew up in a rural village in Prey Veng province, 100km east of Phnom Penh Capital city. We are off the civilized world. Surrounding my house, there are hectares of paddy fields, some belong to us and the majority of them belong to our neighbors. I witnessed one of the amazing scenery and always amazed by how beautiful sunrise it is in my remote home. 

The scenery of course changes by weather and season. There are several palm trees that make it look even more spectacular!

70126367_10216852657080999_6979520665741164544_o.jpgPaddy field before harvestingHT30.jpgHectares of rice field east of my home


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