Beauty from the sky

When flying I often ask if I can get the window seat. I love to see the view of the sky. If you asked me if I ever had a good time looking at the sky when flying? Yes, I did. I understood that's why people would spend so much going on sky diving and some places are blessed to have such extraordinary view looking from above. In my previous article I talked about an amazing road trip to Queenstown and it turned out the flying was not disappointed too. It was such incredible aerial view there.

IMG_6405.jpgAerial view on ranges of mountains layers between Queenstown (South Island, NZ, photo by Sophia_20, taken in 2014)

I believe I had seen several times of views which jaw dropped me and it is totally different! The most amazing one is the view from Queenstown to Wellington (New Zealand), where the mountain ranges can be seen for quite a long time. There were layers of mountains covered in snow again and again and that looks just stunning to assume that South Island of New Zealand is mostly mountainous areas.

However, I also saw different views from another parts of the world including:

  • From above Singapore, I saw hundreds of ships and vessels on sea and the harbor which was so amazing!
  • From Wellington to Sydney (Australia), I could see the city with extraordinary landmarks: Opera House, Harbour bridge stand out from the other hundred buildings. They are so huge and it gave an impression even before visiting them!
  • From Phnom Penh to Siem Reap (Cambodia), apart from the Great Lake, I could see the green rice field one after another. From the balloon near Angkor Wat, I could see clearly the temple from the balloon which is 120ms up in the sky. It is not disappointing at all!
  • From Chiang Rai to Bangkok (Thailand), we were flying at sunset and see the reflection of the sun within the rays of cloud is another beauty!

photo_2021-03-09_14-37-29.jpgThe paddy field in Siem Reap before we landed

I think I know some perfect places for skydiving such as over Queenstown where you see such a beautiful landscape, whether days or nights. I wouldn't dare do the skydiving but I bet it must be beautiful up there!

I posted this as a memory of when we traveled freely before the pandemic.


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