Some special food around Cambodia

Revolving around food, I would like to introduce few regional dishes that are best in Cambodia. Some provinces are very good with somethings. Lucky me, I have traveled often around Cambodia so I am able to taste those specialty. There are few provinces that have best food ever, Kompot, Battambang, Koh Kong, Phnom Penh, Takeo and Prey Veng, my hometown.

22459169_10211826746516376_3055433076222965102_o.jpgFresh water lobster, grilling :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: to go well with Koh Kong sauce

Some dishes are very common but some are signature of the specific regions only.

  • Common: food that you can find anywhere, such as bamboo shoot soup, sizzling pancakes, rice noodle, Teouk Kreoung or Asian Mackerel dip sauce, papaya salad, corn salad, rice roll, sour fruits as snacks during the day!
  • Kompot specialties: famous for its seafood, ex. crab fried-rice, rice noodle with hot soup.
  • Koh Kong, famous for its seafood too, crab, shrimp and lobsters! There is a restaurant along the way that you can order in advanced those fresh seafood, Google map is here.
  • Takeo: fresh water lobsters that are found in the lake. A kilo is 30-40$. Only specific season you can have them.
  • Battambang: also very famous for its fruits and roasted duck, and some special noodles such as Macaroni pasta Asian style which you can search on Google map here.. In Siem Reap, there is a specific one that is so good and only found in hereraw fermented fish with pork intestine.
  • Actually, there are more but I am fascinated with these dishes and I have them frequently.

11792022_10205772907094174_4350885393334881658_o.jpgBamboo shoot soup, serving as lunch or dinner - commonly seen at the restaurants or at home41984666_10214262377845637_5364776398835679232_o.jpgRevolving from papaya salad, this is Corn salad with fresh crab - common as street food - serve as snack42250800_10214289335319557_6826915310868627456_o.jpgRice roll, commonly seen at market, or street food - served as snack42867093_10214355960025133_2650728780003278848_o.jpgSizzling Pancakes or Banh Chhav - served as snack or breakfast or lunch, commonly seen as street food42898048_10214355959185112_5869989300170391552_o.jpgThis special dish is popular in Kompot province, rice noodle with hot fish soup. You find this nowhere else!42953262_10214355958785102_4851403987351502848_o.jpgCrab fried rice - specialty of Kompot province, if you find anywhere else, they are not best like in Kompot. My breakfast, recommended while in Kompot!45058462_10214569151874796_8495869929134751744_o.jpgThis steamed chicken on rice, specialty from Takeo. You find nowhere else!46782733_10214746261702431_1031016730584940544_o.jpgSnack at midday, very good - mango and wood apple. Wood apple is good between Nov-Dec only46836883_10214746260342397_218956797094920192_o.jpgThis steamed chicken on rice, specialty from Takeo. You find nowhere else!


ម៉ាំឆៅពោះតាន់.jpgម៉ាំឆៅពោះតាន់ a raw fermented fish with pork intestine - specific in Siem Reap

All photos took by myself and all dishes have also been consumed by me. 


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