កូរឬធ្វើផែនដំណាប់ស្វាយ Making Mango jam
In my recent post about mango, you already knew that it is now the season of it. Many farmers plants mango for export but because of Covid-19 they cannot do that. So, one way to preserve and use the mango is the process it as jam. You can drink tea and use jam as snack to go with it. It is very energized snack that you can eat when you needs energy, especially during day time.
My mom dried this mango pudding at home
As I mentioned earlier, the common mango they use for this is Keo Romiet because it has much flesh and now it is the season. The way to do it will be explained below.
Steps in doing the jam or mango pudding.
Process |
Keo Romiet mango - much flesh and sweet
How we do it!
Getting ready to ship around
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