Experience at floating village of Kompong Pluk (II)


Starting from tomorrow, I will be away to my home village for the holiday of Pjum Ben festival which is about 1 week in Cambodia. So, I won't be able to post more topics in here. Hence, I would like to post this before I leave for a holiday :slightly_smiling_face:

Continue from my previous article about floating village of Kompong Khleang (I), here I would like to introduce you all the nearby floating village of Kompong Pluk. 

  • The floating village receives more visitors than other nearby floating villages.
  • There are about 300 boats to bring you out to the Tonle Sap and visit floating forest
  • By coming here, you are supporting local people and fishermen
  • It is only about 20km from Siem Reap town, about 30mns on motorbike.
  • You can come by yourself with a tuktuk or rent a bike, using Google Map and buy the ticket for the boat (one boat is 20$ and can be up to 5-6 people in the boat). The row boat at the end of the village is 5$ per person.
  • Good time to go is when the water at its peak (Aug-Sept)
  • Wait for sunset, it is beautiful!
  • There are homestays in the village as well.

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