Cambodian aquatic edible plants (Part III)
In my previous article about edible plants, I touched a bit on aquatic plants.
From the wild, actually there are some wild aquatic edible plants as well.
In this article, I would like to introduce them a bit more.
- Some plants are commonly used or eaten countrywide, while others are used by regions or only some people.
- Some are only specific for one regions, others Cambodian do not know about it.
- The majority of aquatic edible plants are found in the paddy field - especially in rainy season.
Water lily, rice, Pickerel Weed/ Arrow leaf & Creeping Water Primrose
Morning glory used in papaya salad
Water lily and Water celery as side vegetables for Cambodian noodle dish
កណ្តៀង ច្រាច់ និងត្រកៀត (Kandieng or Water primrose, Arrow leaf & Yellow velvetleaf)
Below is the list of some aquatic edible plants in Cambodia
Local name | English names (next is parts where they are used | Flowers | Young leaves | Pod/Stem | Root/Tube | Fruit | Seed | Purpose of use |
ស្រូវ | Rice |
| x | Meal, rice porridge and sometimes used in soup to add taste |
ឈូក | Lotus |
| x | x | x |
| Stir fry, soup, snack |
កំប្លោក | Water Hyacinth | x |
| x |
| Soup, Side vegetables in Cambodian noodle mixed with other fresh vegetables, also in Asian Mackerel Vegetable Dip Sauce. |
ដើមព្រលិត/រំចង់ | Water Lily (red flower and white flowers) |
| x |
| Soup, salad, Side vegetables for many dishes such as Asian Mackerel Vegetable Dip Sauce) salad, Khmer Noodle, and others |
កញ្ឆែត /Kanchhet | Water Mimosa (Neptunia oleracea) |
| x |
| Salad, Side vegetables, soup |
កណ្តៀង, ក្រពេនទឹក | Hydrolea zeylanica (Blue waterleaf) / water primrose |
| x |
| Soup: koko or maju (only Prey Veng and Svay Rieng - other regions have no such plants) |
ស្លាបចង្វាទឹក | Alisma plantago |
| x |
| Side vegetables |
ច្រាច់ | Pickerel Weed, arrow leaf (Monochoria vaginalis) |
| x |
| Soup, sour soup |
កំពីងពួយ/ស្មៅកំពីងពួយ , កំពីងពួយទឹក
| Water Primrose, Creeping Water Primrose, Floating primrose-willow |
| x |
| Side vegetables, (used when the water is at its peak so the plants are young, different season it is getting bitter, some regions do not eat this) |
កំជួលភ្នំ / កញ្ជល់ភ្នំ | Water Clover |
| x |
| Side vegetables | |
ដងវែក, ត្រកៀតប៉ោង | Velvetleaf, Sawah lettuce, Scientific name: Limnocharis flava |
| x |
| Soup | |
ត្រកួនទឹក | Water morning glory or swamp cabbage, |
| x |
| Side vegetables, soup, stir fry, |
ត្រាវ | Taro |
| x | x |
| Rash, need to know how to cook - soup, pickle, rice porridge, dessert |
ក្តាត, ក្តាតហោរា | Elephant ear taro, Giant taro, Ape flower (Alocasia macrorrhizos) |
| Rash, need to know how to cook - soup |
ស្លែទឹក | Filamentous algae |
| Some people eat, the majority do not. |
រាំងអន្លក់ | Barringtonia / Careya / Careya arborea |
| x |
| Side vegetables |
ភ្លៅកង្កែប | Water celery |
| x |
| Side vegetables |
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