A story of travel during the pandemic &quarantine

I have just returned from my 1 month travel in USA. Well, why I traveled during this time? There is a sad funny story behind.

I applied for a visitor visa back in December 2019, even before the widespread of the pandemic. I got it. My mom and I planned to fly in April 2020 and then the airlines just stopped flying. I reapplied in November 2020 as I saw the number of infected people slowed down. Just right after that, the community spread booming in Cambodia. The government even wanted to close its all border and put the country in emergency. I was thinking so hard whether I should fly or not. Experts and I don't know when this is gonna end, so embrace the new normal. That's why, I cannot wait anymore - I cannot risk my visa. If I got it twice but not going, I don't hope that they will grant me the third one!
photo_2020-12-23_12-02-03.jpgPosting selfie during travel in Covid-19 era
It felt like going to the battlefield, but it is worth it! I could see my elderly relatives and enjoyed the moment at USA.
  • Covid-19 pre-flying test: before flying, you have to do it two days ahead to get the certificate. Costs for the test is 130$.
  • With change of flight or regulation, would costs me so much. In case of my travel through my first plan, I booked through Emirates and it got canceled, no flights and two tickets costed me about 1,000$. Similarly, in my 2nd plan, I could travel from Phnom Penh to US through Teipei by EVA air but they put the restriction which resulted in cancellation of flights to come back from USA to Phnom Penh through Teipei. So, I had to book a new one through Delta/Korean air - costs doubles.
  • Many countries require 2 weeks home quarantines when enter their countries, I was lucky the state I was traveling to did not put such regulation. So, I could travel a bit during 14days.
  • Before flying back home, I had to do another Covid-19 test and it costs 130$
  • The travel procedure needs longer time, such as checking-in and other things.
  • Cambodia also requires 14 days quarantine. Foreigners have to stay at the hotel arranged by the government but pay by themselves whereas locals could choose between staying in the hotel paying themselves or stay in the government setting arranged by the government with no cost. I chose the government settings but was so lucky because all the facilities were full so they sent us to the hotel (not fancy but comfortable).
  • Foreigners need to deposit money for their 14 days quarantine, which include accommodation, food, and also pay for 2 Covid-19 tests - upon arrival and on the 13rd day after the quarantine. The cost for the accommodation is between 60-75$, while food costs about 30$/day.

I think there are something to note about this.

  • Flying experience could be varied depending on definitions. It is less crowded and you could even use 2-3 seats to make a bed while flying but you have to wear mask at all times. Cabin crews wear PPE.
  • Check in process takes longer time.
  • The majority of shops at airports are closed. Food and drinks are available. 
  • Many shops, restaurants and resorts in US are closed or at least not allow people to use bathroom. Expect that not many fresh food can be found in the destination. 
Do you think you still want to travel during the pandemic?
Quarantine.jpgSnacks and refreshment brought by friends and families who stayed in the quarantineQuarantine1.jpgAfternoon snacks, we were craving for these even we were provided by 3 meals per dayQuarantine2.jpgTypical food provided to us, 3 times a day!Quarantine3.jpgBreakfast be like..Quarantine4.jpgBreakfast, lunch and dinner on the government serviceQuarantine6.jpgNew hobby: man learnt to sew/crochet and I learnt to make up. Elders would sit and talk to each other to kill time!


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