The University of Washington [USA]

The University of Washington is the biggest university in Washington state and one among the top universities in USA, I feel truly amazing to see the compound of the university!

photo_2021-01-07_15-05-15.jpgThe reflection of the school building into the water!

photo_2021-01-07_15-11-45.jpgBeautiful school building and cherry treesphoto_2021-01-07_15-28-42.jpgIn front of electrical and engineering schoolphoto_2021-01-07_15-28-16.jpgNo idea which schoolphoto_2021-01-07_15-21-14.jpgMe, in front of the reception entrance

The compound is gigantic and ones would feel extremely lucky to be here, well at least for me!

Again, visiting the university in Winter is not a great idea. I looked at those cherry trees and imagine how would it looks like in March or Summer when flowers are fully bloom or when there weren't any pandemic - how many people would just come here for the view?

  • There are several buildings of different universities or field of studies, including of medicines field
  • The compound is huge and so much space for relaxing and reading
  • There are places for keeping your bikes
  • The university is well accessed by trains and buses
  • There are campus and dorms for students to stay
  • There is a huge statue of George Washington, the father of United States or first US president at the west entrance!
  • I think I need 4-5hours to walk around the compound of the university.
  • What impressed me most are building architectural design, so attractive and beautiful!
  • The university has everything to offer, read more here!


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