Phnom Kulen, the true hidden gem

Phnom Kulen is a national park of Cambodia which located in Siem Reap province. It takes about 1.5hrs to travel from Siem Reap town to the heart of Phnom Kulen. The mountain altitude ranges from 300 to 500 meters heights. The name might be after the big lychee trees found in the back of the mountain. To many locals, the mountain is known as the Land of Gods.


photo_2020-11-28_14-44-32.jpgThe giant elephant statue together with Singha, at the Elephant Pond

The park is very famous and common known for its two floors of waterfalls but what else do people know about this vast park?

Phnom Kulen has much more to offer, either you are religious travelers or adventurous travelers, this is all for you.

photo_2020-11-28_18-09-55.jpgFirst floor waterfall

Religious perspective

  • The mountain is known as the birthplace of the ancient Khmer empire, it is said that it was at Phnom Kulen that King Jayavarman II proclaimed Cambodia’s independence from Java. The name of the empire is មហិន្ត្របរព័ត / Mohindraborakpoth.
  • The site is sacred place with so many temples, some hidden in the deep of jungle. Two sites most noted are the Thousand Lingas (between the waterfall and another site) and another one is Preah Ang Thom statue with its giant reclining Buddha.
  • For that reason, many locals visiting the site for seeking blessings from its holy waters, particularly the potent life-giving waters around the site. Read more about the site here.

Adventurous perspective

  • The site is very good for camping, staying overnight for star viewing and much more
  • The site is very good for trekking or cycling
  • Some people now choose this site to be rock climbing or mountain cliffing, new sport activities

What can be seen at the national park?

  • Waterfall, big and small
  • Giant reclining buddha
  • Giant elephant statue known as elephant pond, hidden in the jungle and only accessible by trekking, cycling or biking
  • Uncountable temples, some document stated about 20 minor temples
  • Different rock formations
  • Local village at the back of the mountain, stay there and learn about them.

How to get there

  • Phnom Kulen is 48km from Siem Reap, the trip can take 1.5-2 hours to reach by car or van
  • A strong motorbike can travel up there too


  • The car is only allowed to go up from morning until 12pm
  • The car is only allowed to go down from 12-5pm
  • Motorbike can travel anytime
  • Non-Cambodians pay extra 5$ to enter the national park


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