Watching the world's tallest flying bird at Anlung Pring

 Anlung Pring is the emerging ecotourism site in Kompong that is popular for Sarus Crane watching. What made it even special because Sarus Cranes (Grus antigone sharpie, Scientific name: Antigone antigone) are rare, and, do you know that Sarus Cranes are the world’ tallest flying birds?

  • They are big birds, grey color with red neck, weight about 6.35 kg – 10 kg each bird.
  • Height: adult is max. 150-180 cm in height (above standard male human height)

Above: a photo of Sarus Cranes taken from telescope by phone

Geographical areas:

The whole population of Sarus Cranes in the world is between 13,000-15,000. Their population can be found in the plains of northwestern India, the western half of Nepal’s Terai Lowlands and parts of Pakistan, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, and also in Australia. According to Bird life, only 194 Sarus cranes were counted in Cambodia during the 2020 census. In general, Cambodia has appro. 651 bird species include Cambodia endemic birds. Birds live everywhere around Cambodia, including wetland, grassland, forest areas and coastal areas/islands. 

  • Sarus cranes are native bird to Cambodia [local name: Kriel: ក្រៀល], proof of its existence can be seen at the wall of Bayon temple and Banteay Chhmar temple (Siem Reap). Photo of the bird on the wall of Bayon temple can be seen here.
  • Sarus cranes live in wetland, but during the breading period, Sarus cranes move to highland such as Preah Vihear, Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri provinces for nesting, and during the non-breeding period, they go to the wetland of Takeo, Kampot, and other provinces around Tonle Sap for foraging.
  • Sarus Crane was justified as Vulnerable in IUCN, Rare for Cambodia. They are considered vulnerable because they could have suffered a rapid population decline due to habitat conversion, human disturbance, and egg and chick stealing that lead to a rapid decline over the years. In 2016-2017, there were around 300 birds but in 2020, there were only 194 birds.

Sarus crane watching areas

The sites where you can see many birds are at three sites:

  • Anlung Pring ecotourism site in Kompot province, Google Map is here.
  • Beoung Preak Lapov in Takeo province, Google map is here.
  • Ang Trapeang Thmar in Banteay Meanchey province, Google Map is here.

Season for Sarus Cranes

  • December – April, February is the peak season
  • Do you know that they also send 2-3captains to come and check the site first whether they are good for foraging before bringing the whole troops to any site? They would come to check it earlier around Nov.. when the rain stops. 

What you need to bring along for bird watching?

  • Binocular (one per visitor for a better experience)
  • Telescope (at least one)
  • Insect repellent
  • Raincoat
  • Hat
  • First aid kits
  • Wearing proper shoes, and a camera if you have!

There are ground rules while bird-watching!

  • Do not talk loudly, be quiet as much as possible
  • Do not use Red light or laser, walk in line/stay in the group
  • Do not wear bright color of clothes like Red, White…
  • Do not have high expectation, birds in Cambodia are shy!
  • Many birding sites do not allow guests (Khmer or foreigners) to go without hiring a recognized bird guide.
  • Foreign visitors need to pay for entry into birding areas/national parks/bird sanctuaries!

 Tools used for birdwatching:

  • The great camera for great photos Canon 7D max II with 400mm lens
  • Telescope

Anlung Pring ecotourism sites is one of the tourist attractions in Kompot province, I had written about Kompot here.

Facts about birdwatching

  • As a foreign visitor, you are not allowed to enter the areas without a company of a recognized bird guide. You also have to pay for entrance fee for min. 5$/person
  • Only few organizations in Cambodia that are recognized for training professional bird-guides as they recognize different species and have proper gears for such tours. So some sites for bird watching is very strict, no one can access that place without these orgs.
  • To hire a bird-guide, look for Samveasna Center called (SVC) through this website or Cambodia Bird Guide Association CBGA who specialized at organizing bird-watching tour around Cambodia.

Above: Sarus cranes on the carving in the east entrance of Banteay Chhmar temple, Banteay Meanchey province (taken by Oppo phone)

Above: a photo of cranes taken by Canon 700D

I think this is real time Sarus cranes size, which is higher than me. Its knees are even taller than my waist - such a tall bird.

A photo of me on the platform viewing cranes through binocular

A photo of buffalo in the deep field which will be used by the cranes in dry season


I tried to capture those big birds in the field by my phone but the platform is about 60m from where they are so we couldn't capture well. Proof here.

A photo from the camera for Sarus cranes flying around the group


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