Num Ansom making process in photos

 Last month was the Pjum Ben festival which took about 1 week to celebrate and I went home to celebrate it with my family. My mom was making the most delicious cakes for all children, both Num Ansom (Bacon) and Banana Ansom. I have posted before about the recipe of how to make Num Ansom (Bacon). In that previous post, I have already explained the whole process. Check out this link on how they are made 

  • How the cake is made
  • How the ingredient is prepared
  • Which and how many steps to make the cake
  • How the cake is wrapped and 
  • How to set time to cook the cake

The cake already wrapped waiting to be cooked

Here, you will see those making process in photos:

The preparation of core stuff: boiled mung bean and bacon

Sticky rice and mung bean preparation

Adding bacon above mung bean and sticky rice

Finishing the cake before wrapping them up

Mom was wrapping the cake

My sister was helping mom to tight the cake before sending them to cook

Tightening the cake needs firm hand, not too loose nor to strict

Mom added Banana Ansom cake

Cooking time: be sure to check water and fire all the time. The whole cooking time is about 4-6hours. We have to add water one they run out. Or the cake will be burned.

Tasting: Bacon Ansom and Banana Ansom. We need to check whether the sticky rice is well cooked after 3-4hours of boiling these cakes in the big pot above. If not, we continue cook them few more hours..

Ready: can keep for several days

It is ready and this can be kept many days. It is said to be cleaning in cold water after taking out from cooking pot. Then, keep them in open space.

The cake were slightly burned as the water was not checked properly. 

P.S. How to keep the cake longer

My father was a monk before and since people offer more than enough to the eat in the meantime, he threw to the pond and keep for like 1 month or two months. Later, they took these cakes back from the pond and they are still in good condition and edible. 


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