Edible plants from the wild of Cambodia (Part II)


Edible plants from the wild of Cambodia (Part II)


Continue from my previous article about edible plants, this post is specially made for plants from the wild which grow naturally and people go to collect their products for daily consumptions.

photo_2020-02-04_11-10-33.jpgBarringtonia ​(Cocky apple, Kra doon, Slow Match Tree, Wild Guava)​​, picked up fresh from the wild (LG. Sophia_20)

មមាញ.jpgWild spider flower, Spider Flower


ផ្សិតក្ងោក.jpgPeacock's mushroom

Cardamom1.jpgCardamom Tree from Cardamom Mountain for stir fry!

asian markeral.jpgTeuk Kreung (Asian Mackerel Vegetable Dip Sauce) - besides Cambodian noodle, this dish also needs lot of side vegetables to go with.photo_2020-02-04_11-10-21.jpgThe guy just got off the Wild Guava tree for picking up the leaves for his evening mealphoto_2020-02-04_11-10-22 (2).jpgThe guy went up to the tree to pick its young leavesphoto_2020-02-04_11-10-32.jpgSadly, my phone cannot take clear photo of the treephoto_2020-04-05_18-05-17 (2).jpgThe fruit of Edible willugbeia (Willughbeia edulis) in its season between May - sold on the street in Siem Reappumpkin.jpgPumpkin leaves boiled to go with other dish including Teuk Kreung (Asian Mackerel Vegetable Dip Sauce)pumpkin1.jpgAnother dish to go with side vegetables


  • Please note that I do not have all photos for the plants giving that they only bloom once a year or seasonally, if you want to see the photo - use the name I give to Google for the familiarity.
  • I tried to find English names, in the worst case I gave scientific names which can be used as reference to your future research.
  • I do not major in plants - I use my local knowledge to combine this together. 
  • Some plants grow in specific regions, not all Cambodian people know them all.
  • They are not all - just common and some rare plants that Cambodian people eat (some specific in particular regions).
  • Cambodia has uncountable species, some names are not heard of. 
  • These edible plants also play major role as medical plants.

Below are the list of edible plants from the wild, from big plants to shrubs, vine and mushroom.

   Parts That Are Used     Purpose of use
Plant  NamesNature of plantsLocal NamesFlowersYoung leavesPod/StemTube/rootFruitsSeed 
Turtle’s nailWild​​​ (bloom one a year, Jul)ក្រចកអណ្តើក xx    Soup, Side vegetable for teuk kroeung, Stir fry
Curcuma, Siam Tulip "Siam Ruby" known locally as Jelly flower (Curcuma sparganifolia)Wild (bloom one a year, Jul)ចាហួយ ឬត្រចៀកក្រាញ់x  x   - Flowers boiled and used as side vegetable
 - Tube used as dessert “Jelly”
Cardamom ក្រវ៉ាញ  x   Stir fry
Sand ginger ប្រស់ស្វា x    Salad
Pepper elder (peperomia pellucida) ក្រសាំងទាប  x   Salad,  Stir fry, Garnish
Barringtonia / Careya​​ / Careya arborea (Cocky apple, Kra doon, Slow Match Tree, Wild Guava) រាំងអន្លក់ x    Side vegetables in many dishes, soup
Roselle ម្ជូរល្មម , ថ្នឹងបារាំង  x   side vegetable
Rhodamnia dumetorum ពួចអួល     x snack
Mempat tree ល្ងៀង x    side vegetable
Piper longum (Long Pepper) ដីប្លី  x    side vegetable
Aganonerion polymorphum (river leaf, La Giang) ថ្នឹង  x    to add sour taste to soup
Melientha suavis (sprout of Melientha suavis Pierre) ដើមប្រិច ឬ ព្រិច  x    soup
Garcinia schomburgkiana (Madan ) សណ្ដាន់  x  x to add sour taste to soup
M​alva nutForest, once a year but have to cut the tree to get the fruitសំរ៉ង     dessert
White cheese-wood flowersForest and homeរំដួល     snack
Downy rose myrtleForestពួច​     snack
Rice field rattanForestរពាក់      snack
Rattan (many kinds of rattan)Forestផ្តៅ      soup (tribal community at Northeast of Cambodia eat this)
Bamboo shootForest and homeឬស្សី      soup, pickle
Tuba RoastForestវល្លិអន្ទង់  x   Drink - medical plant
Edible willugbeia (Willughbeia edulis)Forestវល្លិ៍គុយ     x fruits - soup
Phyllanthus emblica (emblic, emblic myrobalan, myrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree, or amla)Forestកន្ទួតព្រៃ    x fruits, fresh or pickle with honey for men productive health
Astraeus hygrometricus (Barometer earthstar, False earthstar, Hygroscopic earthstar)Forest, once a yearផ្សិតប៉ក់, ផ្សិតផក់, ផ្សិតផូងផាង       soup, stir fry
Ganoderma lucidum ( Lingzhi mushroom, Reishi mushroom )Forest, once a yearលិញជឺ , ផ្សិតសុក្រំ      soup, stir fry
Peacock mushroomForest, once a yearផ្សិតក្ងោក ឬផ្សិតទន្សោង      soup, stir fry


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